<aside> 💖 Javiera has made a wonderful tool to keep track of your job opportunities. Click the link and follow the instructions to duplicate and use it! 👇🏽
<aside> 💸 An anonymous database of everyone’s salaries in the UK & Irish games industry. Use it to figure out how much renumeration you should be asking for.
UK & Ireland Game Industry Salary Spreadsheet (Public)
<aside> 💸 An anonymous database of the Global games industry’s salaries. USA and Europe heavy.
Global GameDev Salaries 2021-2022 (Anonymous)
<aside> 📑 JD has collected an extensive list of job boards and communities to join that can help you in your job hunt.
<aside> 📖 Amir Satvat has created a bot that scrapes over 700 game websites and collates all their job postings in this document.
https://www.dropbox.com/s/6icqqopmsp39ool/221119 - Games Jobs.xlsx?dl=0
<aside> 📚 Into Games have an extensive library of career advice to help you find work and skill up.
Games Careers Resource Library